Profile PictureZeronid

Adoptable Feline VRchat (SFW)

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Adoptable Feline VRchat (SFW)

4 ratings

Features of the VRChat model:

  • Facial expressions (7 on one hand)
  • Avatar 3.0
  • Visemes shape keys for talking animations
  • SFW
  • Expressions menu setted up so you can hide anything on the avatar (Jacket, tanktop, glasses, hair, pants)
  • Model's overall performance: Medium
  • PhysBones
  • 2 shaders you can choose from : Poiyomi and Standard.
  • A lot of color variations for cloth and body. 3 different eye shapes (if there is no needed color you can change the hue in Poiyomi shader)
  • Locomotion FIX by WetCat (
    Model stats:
  • 52114 tris
  • 3 texture sets: Body (body), Cloth (hair, glasses, clothes), Eyes.
  • 133 bones ( Facial bones are kept even for VRchat. It's not good for optimisation, but in case if you want to create additional Facial expressions using CATs addon you will be able to reimport model without need to set up all scripts again.)

    What this product contains:
  • Blender file
  • Model exported as FBX
  • Substance painter files (2020)
  • Unity project folder (2019.4.31f1)
  • Zbrush file
  • Textures

    Fix 1.1 :
    - Updated vesion of VRC SDK
    - Size of the hands decreased.

    You can use this model for anything. Modify it, etc. But, you cannot resell it or upload it to VRChat as public model (Only as private)
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All files (Blender file, Substance painter project, Unity project folder, Textures, Zbrush file)

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